Saturday, August 21, 2010

It is predetermined and predestined that food and all things savory receive most if not all of the attention. We all want to know where certain foods come from, cuisines of different areas, how to reinvent and innovate the steak and potatoes over and over again. However I don't really care. I love food, but being bombarded continuously with meat and fish and main course meals, I wonder when will the time come when desserts and pastries see the spotlight? Honestly people eat the main course to get ready for dessert anyway. I've allowed the main course and the savory items to have their time, now its time we move on to the most important part of a meal. Because I've picked up and read many books about food and different food origins, I want to find one that speaks to me personally. I want to know; I'm dying to know where pastries, breads, and all things sweet come from. So its now time to give these sweet treats the respect and attention they deserve!

I'm embarking on an Origin-al Adventure where I try to rediscover where all things sweet came from. Its something that people have either forgotten or don't particularly care about. So I am taking it upon myself to figure it out not just for me but for anyone else out there who's interested.

In my upcoming blogs, I will be sharing with you the origins of breads, pastries, cakes, drinks, and anything else there is in my industry.

If there is anything in particular someone wants to know about, leave a comment and I'll add it to the list.

I want to thank those of you who have already given me suggestions, everything helps. If there is something that you want to know, chances are other people want to know the same thing.

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